Programming/Visual Studio

_T() 를 자동으로..

acidpop 2010. 10. 29. 13:44

_T() 자동 매크로

Sub UnderscoreT()
'DESCRIPTION: This macro will automatically put "_T( )" around 
'             your strings, Author: Orin Walker, 1999, Version 1.1
    Dim win
    set win = ActiveWindow
    if win.type <> "Text" Then
      MsgBox "This macro can only be run when a text editor" + _
        " window is active."
        iCount = 0
        bFoundAQuote = false
        strTemp = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text
        strStuffAtEnd = ""
        while bDone <> true
            str = ParseString(strTemp, bFoundAQuote, strStuffAtEnd)
            strBuildString = strBuildString + str
            if bFoundAQuote = true then
                strTemp = strStuffAtEnd
                bDone = true
                ActiveDocument.Selection = strBuildString 
            end if
            iCount = iCount + 1
            if iCount > 100 then    ' safety valve
                bDone = true
            end if
    end if  
End Sub
Function ParseString(strTemp, byRef bFoundAQuote, _
                     byRef strStuffAtEnd)
'DESCRIPTION: This is a helper function for the UnderscoreT macro,
'             Author: Orin Walker, 1999, Version 1.1
    ' Comment in/out whatever style you prefer       
    strSpace = ""   ' NO space before or after "_T("
    'strSpace = " " ' Add a space before and after "_T("
    iLen = len(strTemp)
    bFoundAQuote = false
    ' Get the position of the first quote on the line
    iPos = instr(strTemp, chr(34))
    if iPos > 0 Then    'a quote was found
        ' Go back and see if we have an existing 
        ' _T( defined for this quote
        x = iPos-5          ' Go back up to 5 characters
        if x <= 0 then      ' If we have reached the 
                            ' beginning of our string
            x = 1           ' Set x to start at the first character
        end if
        strCheck = mid(strTemp, x, iPos)
        iUnderscoreTPos = instr(strCheck, "_T(")
        ' If we found one grab everything before the first quote
        strBeforeFirstQuote = mid(strTemp, 1, iPos-1)
        if iUnderscoreTPos > 0 then     ' we found an "_T("
            ' Do NOT add the "_T(" to our temporary string
            strNewTempStr = strBeforeFirstQuote
            ' Now create our new temporary string and append "_T("
            strNewTempStr = strBeforeFirstQuote + "_T(" + strSpace
        end if
        ' Get the remaining string
        strRemaining = mid(strTemp, iPos+1, iLen)
        iLen = len(strRemaining)
        ' Now find the second quote
        iPos = instr(strRemaining, chr(34))
        if iPos > 0 Then
            ' If we found one save the stuff in quotes
            strStuffInQuotes = chr(34) + mid(strRemaining,1,iPos)
            ' And grab the stuff after the quotes
            strStuffAtEnd = mid(strRemaining, iPos+1, iLen)
            if iUnderscoreTPos > 0 then     ' we found an _T(
                ' Do NOT add the final ")" to our parsed string, 
                ' because it alreasy exists
                ParseString = strNewTempStr + strStuffInQuotes 
                ' Create our parsed string
                ParseString = strNewTempStr + strStuffInQuotes + _
                    strSpace + ")" 
            end if
            bFoundAQuote = true
            ' No SECOND quote was found so just return 
            ' what was passed in
            ParseString = strTemp
        End if
        ' No quote was found so just return what was passed in
        ParseString = strTemp
    end if 
End Function

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